eKOLOka je sistem izposoje koles, ki v okviru GORENJSKA.BIKE deluje v Škofji Loki.
Na voljo je 49 koles, 25 električnih in 24 navadnih.
Sistem lahko uporabljamo vsi občani in občanke ter obiskovalci/ke, ki se želimo s kolesom lažje in hitreje premikati po mestu.
Izposoja in vračilo koles je možna na desetih postajah.
- Postaja 1: Škofja Loka - Parkirišče Lipica; aktivna bo 2023
- Postaja 2: Škofja Loka - Železniška postaja
- Postaja 3: Škofja Loka - Zdravstveni dom
- Postaja 4: Škofja Loka - Trgovski center Grenc
- Postaja 5: Škofja Loka - Avtobusna postaja
- Postaja 6: Škofja Loka - Športna dvorana Poden
- Postaja 7: Škofja Loka - Podlubnik 1
- Postaja 8: Škofja Loka - Parkirišče Puštal
- Postaja 9: Škofja Loka - Osnovna šola Frankovo naselje
- Postaja 10: Škofja Loka - IC Trata sever
S kolesom eKOLOka, izposojenim v Škofji Loki, se lahko vozimo po skoraj vsej Gorenjski.
eKOLOka je vključena v sistem GORENJSKA.BIKE, tako si lahko kolesa z istim uporabniškim računom izposodimo tudi v Radovljici, v Tržiču, v Naklem, na Jesenicah, v Crkljah in v Kranju.
Kolo si lahko izposodimo kadarkoli. Vsak uporabnik ima na voljo 840 minut na teden.
Na postaji se prijavimo in izposodimo kolesa z uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali pa alternativno z uporabniško kartico in PIN številko.
Oboje uporabnik prejme pri registraciji v TIC-u na Cankarjevem trgu.
V primeru spletne registracije, če uporabnik želi uporabljati uporabniško kartico, se mora obrniti na TIC Škofja Loka.
V primeru uporabe mobilne aplikacije mobiln.si, uporabniku ni potrebno uporabljati zaslona na postaji, ampak se v aplikacijo prijavi z uporabniškim imenom in geslom. Uporaba mobilne aplikacije mobiln.si popolnoma nadomesti interakcijo s kioskom in zaslonom na postaji.
V Škofji Loki spodbujamo uporabo aplikacije pred uporabo plastične kartice.
Izberemo kolo, ki si ga želimo izposoditi, in preverimo, ali je brezhibno. Pristopimo h kiosku oziroma računalniškemu terminalu z LCD zaslonom in pritisnemo na zaslon za začetek. Sledimo navodilom.
Počakamo, da sistem preveri vse ključavnice in sporoči, katera kolesa so na voljo. Ponudi številke ključavnic s kolesi, ki so na voljo.
Z uporabo spletne aplikacije mobiln.si pa izberemo postajo za izposojo koles in kolo ali poskeniramo QR kodo na kolesu. V primeru da na kolesu ni QR kode ali pa je le-ta poškodovana, imamo dodatno možnost ročne izposoje kolesa znotraj mobilne aplikacije, kjer se prikažejo številke ključavnic s kolesi, ki so na voljo.
Ko izberemo eno od koles, počakamo da sistem obdela izbiro in jo potrdimo.
Po potrditvi imamo na voljo 40 sekund, da pristopimo do ključavnice, v kateri se nahaja izbrano kolo, in pritisnemo srebrni gumb, ki utripa v zeleni barvi, da odklenemo ključavnico.
Po pritisku na gumb počakamo na zvočni signal, nato kolo primimo za sedež z eno roko ter krmilo z drugo roko in z enim gibom rahlo potisnemo kolo naprej, potem povlečemo kolo nazaj ter ga s tem odstranimo iz ključavnice.
Vrnemo ga na eno od trenutno osmih postaj v Škofji Loki ali na katerokoli postajo v sklopu GORENJSKA.BIKE. Po uspešni izposoji in opravljeni vožnji enostavno, samo močneje, potisnemo kolo nazaj v ključavnico in ga s tem zaklenemo. Pri uporabi spletne aplikacije mobiln.si prejmemo potrditev o uspešnem vračilu kolesa.
Pred odhodom obvezno zmeraj preverimo, če je kolo dejansko zaklenjeno. V tem primeru gumb na ključavnici zasveti v modri barvi.
V primeru, da gumb na ključavnici gori v rdeči barvi, je to opozorilo, da kolesa nismo pravilno vstavili, zato moramo postopek vrnitve še enkrat ponoviti.
Zainteresirani si lahko zagotovijo tridnevni (3€) mesečni (10€) ali letni paket (25€) uporabe za navadno ali električno kolo v sklopu gorenjskabike. Za območje Škofje Loke pa še enodnevi paket (1€) in dodatna cenejša paketa za navadna kolesa: mesečni (5€) in letni (12,5€).
Nakup paketov je možen v Turistično-informacijski pisarni na Cankarjevem trgu, preko internetne strani www.gorenjska.bike in spletne aplikacije mobiln.si.
Uporabnik je dolžan koristiti storitev sistema s potrebno previdnostjo, preudarnostjo in skrbnostjo dobrega gospodarja ter v skladu s splošnimi pogoji, ki so dostopni na spletni strani GORENJSKA.BIKE (klik).
Za kakršnokoli škodo, ki nastane med uporabo kolesa, je odgovoren uporabnik/ca.
V primeru, da so vse ključavnice zasedene ali pa na postaji ni prostih koles, je potrebno kolo zakleniti na eni od sosednjih postaj. V izrednih razmerah se obvesti klicni center in sledi navodilom.
Postavitev sistema izposoje koles eKOLOka je delno sofinancirana v sklopu projekta Kolesarska veriga na podeželju in delno v sklopu projekta (NAD)gradimo ponudbo Škofjeloškega.
Projekt Kolesarska veriga na podeželju sofinancirata Evropska unija iz Evropskega kmetijskega sklada za razvoj podeželja in Republika Slovenija v okviru Programa razvoja podeželja 2014-2020. Organ upravljanja, določen za izvajanje Programa razvoja podeželja RS za obdobje 2014-2020, je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
Naložbo v okviru projekta (NAD)gradimo ponudbo Škofjeloškega sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija.
eKOLOka is a rent-a-bike system operating in Škofja Loka as a part of a system called GORENJSKA.BIKE.
There are 49 bikes available, 25 of them are electric and 24 are regular.
The system is available to all citizens and visitors who want to get around town by bike easily and quickly.
Bicycles can be rented and returned at ten stations.
- Station 1: Škofja Loka – Lipica car park
- Station 2: Škofja Loka – train station
- Station 3: Škofja Loka – health centre
- Station 4: Škofja Loka – Grenc shopping centre
- Station 5: Škofja Loka – bus station
- Station 6: Škofja Loka – Poden sports hall
- Station 7: Škofja Loka – Podlubnik 1
- Station 8: Škofja Loka – Puštal car park
- Station 9: Škofja Loka - Frankovo naselje primary school
- Station 10: Škofja Loka - IC Trata nord
You can ride an eKOLOka bike rented in Škofja Loka almost all over Gorenjska.
eKOLOka is part of the GORENJSKA.BIKE system, which means you can rent bikes with the same user account in Radovljica, Tržič, Naklo, Jesenice, Cerklje na Gorenjskem and Kranj.
You can rent a bike at any time. Each user can ride the bikes 840 minutes per week.
You can log in at the station and rent bikes with a username and password or alternatively with a user card and PIN number.
Both are given to the user when registering at the Tourist Information Centre, which is located in Cankarjev trg.
If you have registered online and you want to have a user card, you must contact the Tourist Information Centre in Škofja Loka.
When using the mobiln.si mobile application, the user does not need to use the screen at the station, they simply log into the application with their username and password. Using the mobiln.si mobile application can replace the interaction with the kiosk and the screen at the station.
In Škofja Loka we encourage you to use of the app instead of using a plastic card.
Choose the bike you want to borrow and check that it is in good condition. Approach the kiosk or computer terminal with an LCD screen and press the start button. Follow the instructions.
Wait for the system to check all the locks and inform you which bikes are available. It will offer the numbers of the locks with the bikes available.
If you use the mobiln.si app, you can select a rent-a-bike station and a bike or scan the QR code on the bike. In case there is no QR code on the bike or it is damaged, there is an additional option to rent a bike manually in the mobile app, where the numbers of locks with the available bikes are displayed.
When you have selected one of the bikes, wait for the system to process your selection and confirm it.
Once confirmed, you have 40 seconds to access the lock of the selected bike and press the silver button that flashes green to unlock the lock.
After pressing the button, wait for the beep, then grab the seat of the bicycle with one hand and the handlebars with the other and, in one single move, push the bicycle slightly forwards, then pull the bicycle backwards to remove it from the lock.
Return it to one of the eight stations in Škofja Loka or to any of the GORENJSKA.BIKE stations. After a successful rental and a completed ride, simply push the bike back into the lock, harder than before, to lock it. If you are using the mobiln.si online app, you will receive a confirmation that the bike has been successfully returned.
Before you leave, always check that the bike is really locked. If this is the case, the button on the lock will light up blue.
If the button on the lock flashes red, this is a warning that the bike has not been inserted correctly and the return procedure must be repeated.
Interested individuals can obtain a three-day (€3), monthly (€10), or yearly (€25) package for the use of regular or electric bicycles as part of gorenjska.bike. For the Škofja Loka area, there is also a one-day package (€1) and additional discounted packages for regular bicycles: monthly (€5) and yearly (€12.5).
The purchase of packages is possible at the Tourist Information Office on Cankarjev trg, through the website www.gorenjska.bike, and the mobile application mobiln.si.
Link to the price list: https://www.gorenjska.bike/documents/gorenjskabike/Dokumenti/Cenik-GB-2023---splet.pdf
The user is obliged to use the services of the system with due care, caution and diligence and in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions available on the GORENJSKA.BIKE website (click).
The user is responsible for any damage that occurs during bicycle use.
In case that all locks are occupied or there are no free bikes at the station, the bike must be locked at one of the nearby stations. In case of emergency the user must inform the call centre and follow the instructions.
The setup of the eKOLOka bike rental system is partly co-financed by the Rural Cycle Chain project (Kolesarska veriga na podeželju) and partly by the project called (RE)Building the Offer of the Škofja Loka Region ((NAD)gradimo ponudbo Škofjeloškega).
The Rural Cycle Chain project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Republic of Slovenia under the Rural Development Programme 2014–2020. The managing authority designated to implement the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2014–2020 is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
The investment under the project (RE)Building the offer of the Škofja Loka Region is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union.